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Do you agree with these 7 quotations about habits?

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Do you agree with these 7 quotations about habits?
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It breaks up the intimidating blocks of text and makes the page more inviting to read, which is again ironic, considering this is dummy copy. That’s right that heading says awesome wordpress themes, it’s what we do and we’re proud of it. This is dummy copy. It is not meant to be read. Accordingly, it is difficult to figure out when to end it. If this were real copy, it would have ended long ago, because—as we all know—no one reads body copy, and even fewer read body copy this long. But then, this is dummy copy. It is not meant to be read. Period.

It is not meant to be read. Someday this space will be occupied by real copy that is meant to be read. What other form of filler would dare be so politically incorrect? This is dummy copy. It is not meant to be read. Good thing.

This text is a dummy copy just to show how text will appear in this theme. It is not meant to be read. It has been placed here solely to demonstrate the look and feel of finished, typeset text. We make a lot of themes and when we create demos for those themes we need text like this to fill the post content.

What’s the point?

The whole point here (if such a claim can be made in an admittedly pointless paragraph) is that this is dummy copy. Real bullets explode with destructive intensity. Such is not the case with dummy bullets. In fact, they don’t explode at all. Duds. Dull thuds. Dudley do-wrongs. And do-wrongs don’t make a right.

Why on earth are you still reading this? Haven’t you realized it’s just dummy copy? How many times must you be reminded that it’s really not meant to be read? You’re only wasting precious time. But be that as it may, you’ve got to throw in a short paragraph from time to time. Here’s a short paragraph.


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